[Qgis-developer] Spatial join using processing toolbox

Joshua Arnott josh at snorfalorpagus.net
Mon Oct 21 05:01:48 PDT 2013

> Il 21/10/2013 12:53, Joshua Arnott ha scritto:
> > I'm trying to join the attribute tables of two layers by location as
part of a python
> > plugin. Using the GUI I would do this using Vector > Data Management
Tools > Join
> > attributes by location. I expected to be able to do this using the
> > toolbox, but it looks like this algorithm is missing.
> I see it: Select by location. Perhaps you did not enable the QGIS backend?
> Anyway, if you have some spare time, there are a number of modules that
need some
> care, please go ahead and fix bugs listed here:
> http://hub.qgis.org/projects/sextante/issues
> All the best.
> Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia


The selection by location algorithm is not the same - it selects features
in one layer that intersect with another layer. I want to join the
attribute tables of two layers where they intersect. Multiple intersections
should either take the first feature, or calculate summary statistics (e.g.
sum, median).

Thanks for pointing out the bug tracker - I probably should have gone there
in the first instance...

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