[Qgis-developer] What's up with the 2.0.2 designation?

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Fri Sep 27 08:04:05 PDT 2013

Am 27.09.2013, 16:20 Uhr, schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer <jef at norbit.de>:
> On Fri, 27. Sep 2013 at 16:09:54 +0200, Volker Fröhlich wrote:
>> That whole discussion is actually only relevant for Windows, as I
>> perceive it. If you're using whatever repository with GNU/Linux or the
>> likes, packagers will bump package release numbers on packaging issues
>> (and other issues) and you'd get an updated package without doing a lot.
>> As Jürgen said, there is no point in having a new _QGIS release_ because
>> of packaging issues.
> Right, but not even on Windows.  There already is a 2.0.1-2 in OSGeo4W  
> (and
> standalone installers from the same version).   And there will be a  
> 2.0.1-3
> once I've updated GDAL in OSGeo4W 32bit to 1.10.1.

Great! In this case, we only have to communicate to users of the  
stand-alone installer that there is a new, fixed installer version which  
they should try in case they had problems.

Thanks for the clarifications!

Best wishes,

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