[Qgis-developer] OSM address search

Matt Walker walkermatt at longwayaround.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 11:12:25 PST 2014

Hi All,

I saw mention of this thread on Twitter via @underdarkGIS. To add another
similar plugin to the mix, we at Astun maintain a generic gazetteer search
plugin which provides Yahoo!, GeoNames and OSM Nominatim searches and
allows others to be added fairly easily. It's not an official plugin as yet
but it used by a number of local authorities in the UK who generally hook
it up to an address search. The code and details are available here:

The plugin was originally written by Nathan Woodrow and joint funded by
Astun Tech, Simon Miles from Windsor and Maidenhead Council (who runs the
QGIS UK User Group) and James Rutter at Surrey Heath Borough Council.



Matt Walker
Astun Technology
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