[Qgis-developer] optionpath su qgis-derver: issues?

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 06:47:55 PST 2014


this work for me:
(using qgis 2.6:)

I put (in the profile file)

this setting:

export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins
export QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH=/home/archivio/server/qgis-settings/config/

In the folder:

I put a subfolder named "QGIS"
and inside it I put a file QGIS2.ini   (without any dot in front)

Inside the QGIS2.ini
I put this settings:


It work correctly and the svg are shown.

Please notiche the path
is owned from the same user of web server.



2014-11-29 12:59 GMT+01:00 Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>:
> Hi all.
> I noticed that if I set:
>   SetEnv QGIS_OPTIONS_PATH "/.qgis2/"
> www-data writes in it:
>   cache  gdal_pam  qgis.db
> whereas if I set it to a different name, nothing is written.
> Furthermore, a QGIS/QGIS2.ini file does not seem to be used (read/write), e.g. for:
>   [svg]
>   searchPathsForSVG=/path/to/svg
> Has the behaviour of otionspath changed, or am I missing something?
> All the best.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
> Corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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