[Qgis-developer] GSOC 2016 - QGIS Symbology repository

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Sun Apr 24 10:39:36 PDT 2016

A warm welcome to Akbar Gumbira whose GSOC project [1] has officially been

​Akbar will be mentored by Alessandro Pasotti and me.

​Here's a short p
roject summary:

This project will focus on making styles (.qml), symbols definition (.xml),
and SVG markers sharing possible through web services that later can be
accessed and used in QGIS. The work includes:

   - Developing a web application to allow QGIS users (through OSGeo LDAP
   account) upload their styles, symbols, and SVG’s.
   - Integration in QGIS to allow users to fetch those resources and use


​Best wishes,

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