[Qgis-developer] Can not Run function when item selected in comboBox

Luís Miguel Royo Pérez luis.miguel.royo at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 23:41:25 PST 2016

Dear list,

I'm writing a plugin, I want to change the content of a comboBox 
(fields) depending of the content of another comboBox (layers).

My plugin is a dockwidget. I can populate the fields comboBox just 
starting the plugin in the /def run(self):/ function, and it's working fine:

|layerNom =self.dockwidget.comboBoxErrores.currentText() #Getthe text 
value of the comboBox forlyr 
inQgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values():#Get layers 
iflyr.name()==str(layerNom):fields =lyr.pendingFields()#Get 
Fielsfield_names =[field.name()forfield infields]#Field 
Listself.dockwidget.comboCampos.addItems(field_names)#Add to the comboBox|

But when I try to update the content of the fields comboBox I really 
don't know how to do it.

In my "pluginName_dockwidget.py" file, in the *init* function I have 
created the connection with the function that will repopulate the 
comboBox with the new content:


In the same file I have a function that get the value of the layer name 
of the comboBox and emit it with the signal created previously:

|sennalComboIndex =pyqtSignal(str)...defpueblaCampos(self):layerName 

In my main file, I have the rest of the function:

=lyr.pendingFields()field_names =[field.name()forfield 

When I change the slected item in the layers comboBox, nothing happens. 
What Am I missing?

Ask for more detail info if you think it's needed. Thank you very much!!

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