hello everybody,<br><br>I am currently using qgis0.7.9, Postgis1.1.2, GDAL1.3.1.<br>i have a small problem. I have a dgn file which i wanted to add to postgis.<br>i used the command<br>ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:dbname=mydb
a.dgn to add it to database. No error were reported.<br>When i tried to view this as ADD a POSTGIS LAYER from menu , a messagebox appears saying " Unknown Geometry Type. Column WKB_geometryin "public"."elements" has a geometry type of GEOMETRY which qgis doesn't support currently. Invalid Layer can't be loaded.
<br>i will really appreaciate if someone could guide me out of this issue.<br><br>cya<br>quick nitin<br><br>