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Just to tell what Martin adviced works well. <br>
Careful : the <br>
provider.addFeatures( [feature] ) <br>
doesn't work with only one feature, but needs a list of features.<br>
Below is a bit of my code to <br>
* create a new shape file if it doesn't exists and add the features<br>
* open an existing shapefile to add some features to it<br>
if not os.path.exists( "myshape.shp") ): # si le shapefile
n'existe pas<br>
#we create the new shapefile<br>
writer = QgsVectorFileWriter("myshape.shp"), "CP1250",
fields, QGis.WKBPoint, None)<br>
if writer.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:<br>
print "Error when creating shapefile: ", writer.hasError()<br>
else: #when the shapefile exists<br>
#on ouvre le fichier shape existant<br>
mylayer = QgsVectorLayer("myshape.shp"), "ma_couche", "ogr")<br>
myprovider = mylayer.getDataProvider()<br>
for i in range(0,len(donnees)): #donnees is the list[[]]
containing the data from the csv file<br>
fet = QgsFeature()<br>
xform.transform(QgsPoint(longitude, latitude)) ) )<br>
fet.addAttribute(0, QVariant(local_date) ) #date<br>
fet.addAttribute(1, QVariant(local_heure) ) #heure locale<br>
# .......<br>
if existe == 0:<br>
writer.addFeature(fet) # directly add each feature
inside the loop<br>
if existe == 1:<br>
list_fet.append(fet) # we add the feature in the list
of feature "list_fet" <br>
if existe == 1:<br>
myprovider.addFeatures(list_fet) #here we add all the
features from list_fet to the shapefile<br>
Martin Dobias a écrit :
<pre wrap="">On Dec 12, 2007 5:43 PM, Michaël Douchin <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:michael.douchin@laposte.net"><michael.douchin@laposte.net></a> wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap=""> In an short way "Is it possible to open a shapefile in write mode and then
append some new data at the end" ?
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Yes, that's possible too :-)
You can open your shapefile as a vector layer and then use its
provider to add some features:
layer = QgsVectorLayer(...)
provider = layer.getDataProvider()
provider.addFeatures( [ feature ] )
And that's it. I didn't try it now but should work as expected.
addFeatures() expects list of features, but of course you can add them
one by one.