<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone,<br><br> i have compiled and installed Qgis on SUSE 10.3. i compiled a simple QGIS application given in the following website:<br><br><a href="http://blog.qgis.org/?q=node/10">http://blog.qgis.org/?q=node/10</a>. The application got compiled,but when i run,the map is not getting displayed. i have another system with SUSE 10.1,and also i had compiled and installed ,qgis. there teh same application opens successfully and map is displayed. i checked the gcc version of the two versions and found that 10.1 contains 4.1.0-25 and 10.3 contains <a href="http://4.2.0.">4.2.0.</a> will this be the cause for the map not being displayed. <br>
<br>Has anyone faced this kind of problem before ? if so can you suggest me the solution for this ?<br><br>with regards,<br>saravanan.<br><br><br></div>