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> From: tim@linfiniti.com<BR>> To: qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org; warmerdam@pobox.com<BR>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] Open vector dialog<BR>> Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 07:02:37 +0200<BR>> CC: frdcn@hotmail.com<BR>> <BR>> Hi Godofredo<BR>> <BR>> On Wednesday 04 February 2009 21:41:30 godofredo contreras wrote:<BR>> > Hi developers:<BR>> ><BR>> > I've been working in a replacement for open vector dialog. The ideas behind<BR>> > this work are:<BR>> ><BR>> > support multilayer formats<BR>> > support more ogr formats<BR>> > support for opening database layers<BR>> > support of service layers<BR>> ><BR>> > To reach this goal I started classifying the ogr drivers as:<BR>> ><BR>> > File based<BR>> > Directory based<BR>> > Database based<BR>> > Service based<BR>> ><BR>> <BR>> This sounds like a good classification - perhaps Frank or others have more <BR>> thoughts on this,<BR>> <BR>> > There are a lot of formats in ogr and the question that come to my<BR>> > mind is should qgis support as many formats as there are in ogr or<BR>> > choose just some of them? in the other hand there are some drivers<BR>> > for formats I don`t know and I'm not sure if I classified them correctly<BR>> > and if I set the file filters correctly.<BR>> <BR>> My personal feeling is that if we can open every supported format that the <BR>> particular OGR/GDAL on the users machine was compiled with it would be first <BR>> prize.<BR>> <BR>> ><BR>> > Attached is doc file with the classification and the "yes"<BR>> > in column "qgis supported" means I have opened layers of that format.<BR>> ><BR>> > Any fixes to classification list are welcome as well as any comment.<BR>> <BR>> In the few minutes I had to look at your list you classification seemed right <BR>> to me. Does this imply we will need to create a programmatic master list for <BR>> QGIS to read and associate with GDAL formats? Perhaps indicating wich category <BR>> the format fits into would be something Frank would consider adding to the next <BR>> iteration of GDAL/OGR so that we always have a current classification list <BR>> regardless of which >= current version of gdal the user has.<BR>> <BR><BR>
Yes, it is neccesary to create the list. Actually the ogr provider constructs<BR>
file filters according to drivers compiled in ogr. I can reuse this method and <BR>
construct a list with type of driver, driver identifier , and driver name. This way <BR>
when new drivers are added to ogr only the list in ogrprovider have to be updated and<BR>
no changes will be needed in the dialogs.<BR>
Is there any other way to access provider in execution time other than providerregistry methods?<BR>
this question is because I want to delegate the connection string creation to ogrprovider<BR>
but I don't want to add other method to qgsproviderregistry.<BR>
Godofredo Contreras<BR>
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