Hi All,<br>I am using Qgis 1.0.0 in ubuntu 8.04.Actually after loading a Raster layer when i try to select<br>change co-ordinate Reference system (CRS)in project properties it shows only three i.e <br clear="all">Geographic co-ordinate system<br>
Projected co-ordinate system<br>User defined co-ordinate system<br>Actually it should show lot of other CRS also like WGS 84 etc..<br>Can any body suggest me what could be the problem.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>-- <br>
Thanks & Regards <br>Bijay Kumar Panda<br>Mob-9739591816<br><a href="mailto:bijaykumar.mail@gmail.com">bijaykumar.mail@gmail.com</a><br><a href="mailto:bijaykumar_panda@yahoo.com">bijaykumar_panda@yahoo.com</a><br><br>