Hi.<br><br>QGis crashes when I drag an item from a file group just one position above the file group. It happens in the release event. The drag is not allowed to another position. <br><br>I'm using QGis 1.1 in Ubuntu 9.04.<br>
<br>And just a question:<br>I'm reading the code in svn because I want to implement the legend in a standalone application. The file group items that I see in the QGis legend are the legend items which type is LEGEND_LAYER_FILE in the code? I want to avoid this items in my app.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Germán <br><br>-- <br>-----------<br> |\__ <br>(:>__)(<br> |/ <br><br>Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres <br><a href="http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/">http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/</a><br>