Hi.<br>I'm working with the legend and when I drag an item layer on any symbology item the cursor turns to forbidden, but after that, if I move the cursor (with an item layer to drag) on other item layers I'm still getting the forbidden cursor, instead of the SizeVer one. It would seems I couldn't move the item layer but when I release the mouse the canvas reflects the new layers order.<br>
<br>I think it could be improved and I could do it, but it seems a bit add in the code and I don't know if you can do it instead. Please tell me to change it or to wait.<br><br>Thanks in advance. <br><br>Germán.<br><br>
-- <br>-----------<br> |\__ <br>(:>__)(<br> |/ <br><br>Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres <br><a href="http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/">http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/</a><br><br>