Hi.<br><br>I'm using PyQGIS. I have three classes in my app: Viewer, Legend and Load. The Viewer class is the main one, the Load class add some data to canvas. The Legend class has a SLOT to capture the layerWasAdded SIGNAL from the QgsMapLayerRegistry class and when it happens add an item in a QTreeWidget. <br>
<br>The Legend class can remove layers. So, I have a problem with the SIGNAL layerWasAdded. When I remove a layer I get multiple lines like this: <br><br> Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter <br> <br>After that, if I add the same layer again I get a segmentation fault that crashes my app. <br>
<br>This happen even if I use a custom SIGNAL passing the layer object as parameter from my Load class. <br> <br>I'm working in Ubuntu 9.04 with latest versions of every package I need. <br><br>If I run my app in Windows XP I get the line ( Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter ) multiple times, the app doesn't crashes but every time it needs more time to load the layer. <br>
<br>I don't know what's the problem, because if I don't use the SIGNAL-SLOT mechanism with that object (layer) my app works fine.<br>But I want to have components (and a real PyQt4 application), not a lot of function calls across the classes.<br>
<br>Hope you can help me with this issue. <br> <br>Thanks in advance.<br> <br> Germán.<br><br>-- <br>-----------<br> |\__ <br>(:>__)(<br> |/ <br><br>Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres <br>
<a href="http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/" target="_blank">http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/</a><br><br>