Hello<br><br>I started to try to use Qgis verry recently for a project I'm working on. My first issue is to display a geographic card using Qt/C++.<br><br>I started by discovering Gdal and now I'm dealing with Qgis to do my work. I installed Qgis correctly and I tried a sample code using the Qt Creator IDE (I didn't chose it, it's imposed). Now I didn't find how to compile my code correctly on this IDE on Windows OS. I trued to use the addLibraryPath method to include the headers of Qgis but it didn't work. Does any body know how to fix this problem please.<br>
<br>Thanks<br>-- <br>Abir Rezgui<br>-----------------------<br>Elève Ingénieur à l'Ecole Nationale des Sciences Informatiques ( ENSI )<br>