<div><br clear="all">Hello,</div>
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<div>I'm using a QgsRenderV2 in order to change the default circles marker to triangles. I follow the example in the wiki <a href="http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Symbology-NG">http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Symbology-NG</a> but when I try to assing a QgsRenderV2 to a layer, or to setUsingRenderV2 to True, the applications crashes. What I do is:</div>
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<div>- create a vector layer from a spatialite table</div>
<div>- create a renderV2 ( Random Render from the wiki)</div>
<div>- use myLayer.setRendererV2(miRender)</div>
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<div>thats all. It crashes.</div>
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<div>It is a python standalone application. The crash happens when I try to use the zoom, or any other maptool. I'm using QGis enceladus, in windows XP. Is there a solution for this? Is this a known bug? or am I doing something wrong?</div>
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<div><br>-- <br>Marcelo Reyes<br>Edif. Alborada Of. 605<br>Tel. 2201034<br>Cel. 72501267<br>La Paz Bolivia.<br></div>