Hi guys, <br><br>I'm working on rt_postgres_extractor python plugin.<br>Its aims is to extract some geometries by intersecting a postgis table with <br>one or more polygons. <br>Users can choose to export the output in shapefile, kml, spatialite.<br>
<br>I use QgsVectorFileWriter and the postgres provider (with custom query) <br>to export the output layers to either shapefiles or kml.<br><br>Instead, if I want to create a spatialite db and add the output layers to it <br>
I could use the OGR/GDAL lib (the spatialite support is present from ogr 1.7) .<br><br>Do you know if there are other ways to do this without using ogr2ogr?<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>-- <br>Giuseppe Sucameli<br>