<div>I am using OSGeo4W qgis trunk revision 1b15528 on Windows 7 64-bit.</div><div><br></div><div>I have several geotiff layers on Geoserver 2.1 in native srs of EPSG:3375. They display fine using Geoserver's preview layer.</div>
<div><br></div><div>When I try to load them using QGis wms, they will only load when the project is set to EPSG: 4326. When I set the project to EPSG:3375, nothing is loaded. Changing the crs in the wms dialog doesn't help.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Not sure if this is the same issue faced by Mike Leahy:</div><div><br></div><div><a href="http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2011-May/012131.html">http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2011-May/012131.html</a></div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks for any pointers.</div><div><br></div><br clear="all"><span style="font-size:large"><i><font face="garamond, serif"><b><font color="#FF6600">Hilmy</font></b></font></i></span><br>