<p>**** Giuseppe: please don't send in HTML, on my client is horrible ***<br>
<tt>Giuseppe Sucameli <sucameli@faunalia.it></tt><tt> wrote on 24/08/2011 19.56.23<br>
> It work only with proxy anonymous (without user/pwd).</tt><br>
<tt>> QGis uses a QT class (QNetworkAccessManager) to handle the user <br>
> authentication, </tt><br>
<tt>> so I would exclude this is a QGis bug.</tt><br>
<tt>> <br>
> @Luca: running the python plugin installer under the proxy, does it work?</tt><br>
<tt>Python plugin installer uses QHttp and it works behind proxy. There's an interesting comment in its code:</tt><br>
<tt>source: </tt><tt>installer_data.py</tt><br>
<tt># --- class QPHttp ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #</tt><br>
<tt># --- It's a temporary workaround for broken proxy handling in Qt ------------------------- #</tt></body></html>