Hello all,<br><br>I have previously mailed asking for directions regarding the heatmap plugin development. Most people seemed to like the idea of having it to be done using the native C++ over Python. With GPRS as my primary source of internet, somehow I have manged to get the entire repo in my machine now. I tried going through the INSTALL docs, and the total dev tools that I need to download amounts to a staggering 465 MB. Which means it would take many days of work for me to set up. Hence I would like to ask you guys of any shorter route to test things out. Since I would be writing only separate plugin, is it possible to test/debug the thing separately without a complete compilation process involving all the tools?<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Regards<br>Arunmozhi<br>Twitter: @tecoholic<br>Website: <a href="http://arunmozhi.in" target="_blank">http://arunmozhi.in</a><br>IRC Nick: teco<br><br>