<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hi,<br><br>I figure someone here might be interested in some paid QGIS development... no promises, but it seems very likely.<br><br>Essentially I'm looking for a customised version of QGIS, which is reasonably easily maintained & kept up to date with core QGIS development.<br><br>A simplified tool, with no analytical or editing capabilities, but with a custom plugin or two.<br><br>The organisation I work for is developing a set of WMS & WFS services as a data delivery capability. The new tool is to be a simple desktop mapping application able to access and interact with these data, as well as with the user's local data. <br><br>The extra functionality/plugins include:<br><br>1. harvesting a list of WMS/WFS services from a CSW service to be cached locally. The user can enter the CSW URL, retrieve the WMS/WFS service URL's from this & store them
locally. Also enter new ones manually.<br><br>2. Upon the user selecting a service from the local list, display the available layers (via capabilities document) just as the current QGIS WMS/WFS capabilities work.<br><br>3. Provide the ability to cache/harvest WMS & WFS service data layers locally, for later offline use. I believe ogr2ogr can do this from v1.8 for WFS, some relatively crude WMS caching will be needed, but obviously for large datasets, the high res data cannot be cached for the entire dataset. Even just the "save as image" facility for a specified layer may be adequate as a first cut, given a world file is saved with it, with the option to grab & save the 8 screens around the current extent like tiles, or perhaps one large image.<br><br>4. Allow users to display their own data overlaid on these datasets (whether live web service or locally cached). If online, the user should be able to select whether cached or remote data is
used.<br><br>Some level of branding will be required for the funding agencies. I figure it might be useful to brand this something like Xxxx Quantum Map (Xxxx QMAP), to retain the Quantum brand, but emphasise the mapping rather the GIS capability, but this is totally up for discussion.<br><br><br>I figure QGIS provides an ideal basis for such an application, & I'd like to work with existing QGIS developers to do this if possible. We have no issues with the plugins being developed in a generic way, under an open licence & being available via the standard repositories. Indeed, we see the fully functional QGIS application as a standard "upgrade" for users who outgrow this application & seek to be able to do more than just view their data. I do have an indicative price from a local FOSS development company, but would like this to involve the QGIS development community if possible.<br><br>One other note: we are also looking to provide extensive
climate and hydrometric data via SOS, so as a stage 2 of this development, it is very likely that we'll be interested in supporting the (further) development of an SOS client some time in the future.<br><br><br><br>Can anyone interested please reply & if there is enough background here, provide a rough estimate of the cost to build this?<br><br><br>Thanks,<br><br> Brent Wood<br><br><br></td></tr></table>