Hello,<br><br>Yes, no debian package<br>Concerning enthought editor, a fast how to:<br><br>Go throught an<br>apt-get install python-vtk vtk<br>cd /wherever/you/want/<br>git clone <a href="https://github.com/enthought/rested">https://github.com/enthought/rested</a><br>
cd rested<br>python setup.py install (install ets as a depency too, if not go throught a pip install -U ets before installing editor)<br>Launch the app throught "rested" command line<br><br><br>Regards<br><br>ThomasG<br>
<br>PS: Thanks <span class="gD">Salvatore, I wasn't aware of the last soft link you post ;)<br></span>