Hi all,<br><br>A new version of Lizmap Web Client and the related QGIS plugin has been released yesterday, with these new features:<br><br>* responsive design : Lizmap fits well on tablets and new smart-phone screens<br>* rich html pop-up with configurable templates. You can write different pop-up templates with the plugin for each layers. You can select which layers will have a popup.<br>
* media management : you can use files stored in a media folder in the same directory as the QGIS project, and use these files in pop-ups and in the information link for each layer. For example, you can have a pop-up displaying the content of a different HTML file for each feature, or display images in the pop-up.<br>
<br>Full change log here :<br><a href="http://hub.qgis.org/wiki/lizmapwebclient/Changelog_en#Version-240-14-november-2012">http://hub.qgis.org/wiki/lizmapwebclient/Changelog_en#Version-240-14-november-2012</a><br><br>We will follow QGIS Server evolutions (and help developing some features) to use QGIS internal solutions (e.g. for popup templates), but in between we are trying to bring some cool features in Lizmap, as a proof of concept. <br>
<br>Lizmap has already these features :<br>* automatic tile caching system, not OGC compliante, but very handy : no configuration file, only one checkbox to activate with the plugin. And it supports metatiling !<br>* responsive design and ability to change the interface easily with theming (CSS + html templates)<br>
* multi-project and multi repository (folders containing projects)<br>* groups, users and rights management which help controlling who can view which maps or use your WMS services<br>* simple publication system from you computer to the server with the plugin<br>
* external base layers : OpenStreetMap, Google (Sat, terrain, streets)<br>* Transform QGIS groups of layers into one single layer in the web map.<br><br>We have many more ideas to improve Lizmap, and are looking for some financial support to help us developing the following features :<br>
* layer data edition : geometry and attributes, using the new WFS-T feature<br>* printing<br>* search module, using WFS<br>* display the layer attribute table<br>etc.<br><br>Lizmap demo site :<br><a href="http://demo.3liz.com/lizmap">http://demo.3liz.com/lizmap</a><br>
<br>Full documentation :<br><a href="http://hub.qgis.org/projects/lizmapwebclient/wiki">http://hub.qgis.org/projects/lizmapwebclient/wiki</a><br><a href="http://hub.qgis.org/projects/lizmapplugin/wiki/">http://hub.qgis.org/projects/lizmapplugin/wiki/</a><br>