<p dir="ltr"><br>
On 20 Oct 2015 9:36 PM, "Giovanni Manghi" <<a href="mailto:giovanni.manghi@gmail.com">giovanni.manghi@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> > The thing is, I'm not convinced the area is wrong... it's just that<br>
> > QGIS' handling of units with OTF on/off ellipsoid ON/OFF is extremely<br>
> > confusing (ie, I don't even fully understand it).<br>
> My understanding, at least until <a href="http://hub.qgis.org/issues/12057">http://hub.qgis.org/issues/12057</a> , is<br>
> that the confusing bit is that sometimes areas measured on an<br>
> ellipsoid are smaller than the same ones measured on a plane, this<br>
> because not all projections are conservative for areas. Differences<br>
> are relatively small, of course if the area measured with OTF on<br>
> differs of several magnitudes then there is probably something wrong<br>
> (but do not seems the case anymore).</p>
<p dir="ltr">Yep, but that's expected/correct behaviour. Ellipsoidal area WILL differ from planar area and will differ between ellipsoids. So no issue there.<br></p>
<p dir="ltr">><br>
> There is also the issue with measurements being always in m for<br>
> projections in feet, this I can confirm after testing quickly (on<br>
> master) the dataset of <a href="http://hub.qgis.org/issues/13209">http://hub.qgis.org/issues/13209</a> (but<br>
> transforming the result from square meters to acres give the right<br>
> results).</p>
<p dir="ltr">Right, so that's more of a feature request/ui clarification. We need a way of notifying users what units the area will be in and also allow them to override this.</p>
<p dir="ltr">I think removing the broken canvas units from project properties is a start, and maybe switching that to a selector for areal/distance unit calculations. Can't be solved for 2.12 though.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Nyall<br></p>
<p dir="ltr">><br>
> cheers!<br>
> -- G --<br>