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<p>Hi all, Hi Even,</p>
<p>I am testing the new WFS improvements in QGIS master.</p>
<p>We have a WFS service offering 1.1 and 2.0: see <a href="https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/direktion-des-innern/geoportal/geodaten-einbinden/web-feature-service-wfs">https://www.zg.ch/behoerden/direktion-des-innern/geoportal/geodaten-einbinden/web-feature-service-wfs</a></p>
<p>The direct URL to the WFS is: <a href="http://webdienste.zugmap.ch/landwirtschaft_naturschutz_wfs/service.svc/get">http://webdienste.zugmap.ch/landwirtschaft_naturschutz_wfs/service.svc/get</a> </p>
<p>When I connect, I force it to version 2.0. The layer listing appears fine - but when I add a layer, I get the following error message:</p>
<p><span>Layer gmgml:LW_Bewirtschaftungseinheiten: </span>Download of features for layer gmgml:LW_Bewirtschaftungseinheiten failed or partially failed: Server generated an exception in GetFeature response: Value urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::21781 provided for a parameter SRSNAME is invalid.. You may attempt reloading the layer with F5</p>
<p>Is this a problem in the WFS server or in the client issueing an invalid request? Can QGIS do something do be more tolerant and display this WFS layer?</p>
<p>I would very much appreciate if you could have a look at this service.</p>
<p>Thank you very much,</p>
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