<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>I am contemplating writing a visualization plugin that analyzes temporal patterns in distributions of data in two dimensions similar to the ArcGIS Data Clock.<br><br><a href="http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/extensions/tracking-analyst/094-the-data-clock.htm">http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/extensions/tracking-analyst/094-the-data-clock.htm</a><br><br>My first thought would be to have it create the graph as a D3 html page.
The pro to that would be that I would get to learn D3 but also it would become an interactive graph that would be separate from
QGIS. It could be integrated into a web page. The other option would be to
use a python graphics library to display it within a QGIS window like
the Environmental Data Explorer. <br><br></div>Ultimately, I would envision all sorts of analysis and graphs. Is anyone already working on a D3 plugin like this?<br><br></div>What are your thoughts? Would anyone be interested in a capability like this? Would D3 be a good or bad way to implement this?<br><br></div>Thanks,<br><br></div>Calvin<br></div>