<blockquote style='border-left:2px solid #CCCCCC;padding:0 1em' class="quote dark-border-color"><div class="quote light-border-color">
<div class="quote-author" style="font-weight: bold;">Matthias Kuhn-2 wrote</div>
<div class="quote-message">
Are you working with an attribute table (or an attribute table model) there?
<p>Yes. This code takes categorized 2.5d render roof colours, wall colours, and heights, and adds them as fields into cleanedLayer, which is GeoJSON from <code>writeAsVectorFormat()</code>:</p>
<pre>provider = cleanedLayer.dataProvider()
provider.addAttributes([QgsField("height", QVariant.Double),
QgsField("wallColor", QVariant.String),
QgsField("roofColor", QVariant.String)])
fields = cleanedLayer.pendingFields()
renderer = dirtyLayer.rendererV2()
renderContext = QgsRenderContext.fromMapSettings(
heightField = fields.indexFromName("height")
wallField = fields.indexFromName("wallColor")
roofField = fields.indexFromName("roofColor")
feats = dirtyLayer.getFeatures()
for feat in feats:
classAttribute = renderer.classAttribute()
attrValue = feat.attribute(classAttribute)
catIndex = renderer.categoryIndexForValue(attrValue)
categories = renderer.categories()
symbol = categories[catIndex].symbol()
wallColor = symbol.symbolLayer(1).subSymbol().color().name()
roofColor = symbol.symbolLayer(2).subSymbol().color().name()
cleanedLayer.changeAttributeValue(feat.id() + 1,
heightField, height)
cleanedLayer.changeAttributeValue(feat.id() + 1,
wallField, wallColor)
cleanedLayer.changeAttributeValue(feat.id() + 1,
roofField, roofColor)
<p>Before adding those three "+ 1"s from that commit, the colours and height were applying to the wrong feature - the id (I think) off by one. Hence the hacky fix, and my comment that this works, but I don't understand why I have to do it.</p>
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View this message in context: <a href="http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/The-first-column-in-the-attribute-table-tp5271947p5272186.html">Re: The first column in the attribute table</a><br/>
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