<div dir="auto">Might seem obvious, but have you tried using a brand new profile?</div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">A terça, 2/03/2021, 08:34, Hernán De Angelis <<a href="mailto:variablestarlight@gmail.com">variablestarlight@gmail.com</a>> escreveu:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Hi,<br>
I wrote about this a few days ago in the user list but I still have the <br>
problem and can find neither a cause nor a solution. I thus post it in <br>
this list in the hope that some developer may have a hint on what is <br>
going wrong here.<br>
In my installation the Voronoi Polygon tool is missing from the <br>
Processing menu, both from the bar (vector geometry dialog) and the <br>
processing panel. It is also not listed in the Python console (see below <br>
whole listing).<br>
But, the code seems to be present in the /usr/local/share... folder, <br>
where other plugins live as well:<br>
localhost:/usr/local # find ./share -name *oronoi*<br>
I compile QGIS from source, things have gone smoothly every time and I <br>
cannot see any obvious particular problem. I have tested with master a <br>
couple of weeks ago, then 3.18.0 a couple of days ago, and moments ago <br>
with 3.16.4 (after wiping all traces of previous installations) but the <br>
problem persists.<br>
Anyone has seen this? What could possibly be wrong here?<br>
Thanks in advance,<br>
- - - - -<br>
from qgis import processing<br>
for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():<br>
     print(<a href="http://alg.id" rel="noreferrer noreferrer" target="_blank">alg.id</a>(), "->", alg.displayName())<br>
native:addautoincrementalfield -> Add autoincremental field<br>
native:addfieldtoattributestable -> Add field to attributes table<br>
native:adduniquevalueindexfield -> Add unique value index field<br>
native:addxyfields -> Add X/Y fields to layer<br>
native:affinetransform -> Affine transform<br>
native:aggregate -> Aggregate<br>
native:angletonearest -> Align points to features<br>
native:antimeridiansplit -> Geodesic line split at antimeridian<br>
native:arrayoffsetlines -> Array of offset (parallel) lines<br>
native:arraytranslatedfeatures -> Array of translated features<br>
native:aspect -> Aspect<br>
native:assignprojection -> Assign projection<br>
native:atlaslayouttoimage -> Export atlas layout as image<br>
native:atlaslayouttopdf -> Export atlas layout as PDF<br>
native:bookmarkstolayer -> Convert spatial bookmarks to layer<br>
native:boundary -> Boundary<br>
native:boundingboxes -> Bounding boxes<br>
native:buffer -> Buffer<br>
native:bufferbym -> Variable width buffer (by M value)<br>
native:calculatevectoroverlaps -> Overlap analysis<br>
native:categorizeusingstyle -> Create categorized renderer from styles<br>
native:cellstatistics -> Cell statistics<br>
native:centroids -> Centroids<br>
native:clip -> Clip<br>
native:collect -> Collect geometries<br>
native:combinestyles -> Combine style databases<br>
native:condition -> Conditional branch<br>
native:converttocurves -> Convert to curved geometries<br>
native:convexhull -> Convex hull<br>
native:countpointsinpolygon -> Count points in polygon<br>
native:createattributeindex -> Create attribute index<br>
native:createconstantrasterlayer -> Create constant raster layer<br>
native:createdirectory -> Create directory<br>
native:creategrid -> Create grid<br>
native:createpointslayerfromtable -> Create points layer from table<br>
native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer <br>
(binomial distribution)<br>
native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer <br>
(exponential distribution)<br>
native:createrandomgammarasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (gamma <br>
native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer <br>
(geometric distribution)<br>
native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer -> Create random raster <br>
layer (negative binomial distribution)<br>
native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer <br>
(normal distribution)<br>
native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer <br>
(poisson distribution)<br>
native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer <br>
(uniform distribution)<br>
native:createspatialindex -> Create spatial index<br>
native:dbscanclustering -> DBSCAN clustering<br>
native:deleteduplicategeometries -> Delete duplicate geometries<br>
native:deleteholes -> Delete holes<br>
native:densifygeometries -> Densify by count<br>
native:densifygeometriesgivenaninterval -> Densify by interval<br>
native:detectvectorchanges -> Detect dataset changes<br>
native:difference -> Difference<br>
native:dissolve -> Dissolve<br>
native:dropgeometries -> Drop geometries<br>
native:dropmzvalues -> Drop M/Z values<br>
native:equaltofrequency -> Equal to frequency<br>
native:explodehstorefield -> Explode HStore Field<br>
native:explodelines -> Explode lines<br>
native:extendlines -> Extend lines<br>
native:extenttolayer -> Create layer from extent<br>
native:extractbinary -> Extract binary field<br>
native:extractbyattribute -> Extract by attribute<br>
native:extractbyexpression -> Extract by expression<br>
native:extractbyextent -> Extract/clip by extent<br>
native:extractbylocation -> Extract by location<br>
native:extractmvalues -> Extract M values<br>
native:extractspecificvertices -> Extract specific vertices<br>
native:extractvertices -> Extract vertices<br>
native:extractzvalues -> Extract Z values<br>
native:fieldcalculator -> Field calculator<br>
native:filedownloader -> Download file<br>
native:fillnodata -> Fill NoData cells<br>
native:filter -> Feature filter<br>
native:filterbygeometry -> Filter by geometry type<br>
native:filterlayersbytype -> Filter layers by type<br>
native:filterverticesbym -> Filter vertices by M value<br>
native:filterverticesbyz -> Filter vertices by Z value<br>
native:fixgeometries -> Fix geometries<br>
native:flattenrelationships -> Flatten relationship<br>
native:forcerhr -> Force right-hand-rule<br>
native:fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership -> Fuzzify raster (gaussian <br>
native:fuzzifyrasterlargemembership -> Fuzzify raster (large membership)<br>
native:fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership -> Fuzzify raster (linear membership)<br>
native:fuzzifyrasternearmembership -> Fuzzify raster (near membership)<br>
native:fuzzifyrasterpowermembership -> Fuzzify raster (power membership)<br>
native:fuzzifyrastersmallmembership -> Fuzzify raster (small membership)<br>
native:generatepointspixelcentroidsinsidepolygons -> Generate points <br>
(pixel centroids) inside polygons<br>
native:geometrybyexpression -> Geometry by expression<br>
native:greaterthanfrequency -> Greater than frequency<br>
native:highestpositioninrasterstack -> Highest position in raster stack<br>
native:hillshade -> Hillshade<br>
native:hublines -> Join by lines (hub lines)<br>
native:importphotos -> Import geotagged photos<br>
native:interpolatepoint -> Interpolate point on line<br>
native:intersection -> Intersection<br>
native:joinattributesbylocation -> Join attributes by location<br>
native:joinattributestable -> Join attributes by field value<br>
native:joinbynearest -> Join attributes by nearest<br>
native:kmeansclustering -> K-means clustering<br>
native:layertobookmarks -> Convert layer to spatial bookmarks<br>
native:lessthanfrequency -> Less than frequency<br>
native:linedensity -> Line density<br>
native:lineintersections -> Line intersections<br>
native:linesubstring -> Line substring<br>
native:loadlayer -> Load layer into project<br>
native:lowestpositioninrasterstack -> Lowest position in raster stack<br>
native:meancoordinates -> Mean coordinate(s)<br>
native:mergelines -> Merge lines<br>
native:mergevectorlayers -> Merge vector layers<br>
native:minimumenclosingcircle -> Minimum enclosing circles<br>
native:multiparttosingleparts -> Multipart to singleparts<br>
native:multiringconstantbuffer -> Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)<br>
native:nearestneighbouranalysis -> Nearest neighbour analysis<br>
native:offsetline -> Offset lines<br>
native:orderbyexpression -> Order by expression<br>
native:orientedminimumboundingbox -> Oriented minimum bounding box<br>
native:orthogonalize -> Orthogonalize<br>
native:package -> Package layers<br>
native:pixelstopoints -> Raster pixels to points<br>
native:pixelstopolygons -> Raster pixels to polygons<br>
native:pointonsurface -> Point on surface<br>
native:pointsalonglines -> Points along geometry<br>
native:pointtolayer -> Create layer from point<br>
native:poleofinaccessibility -> Pole of inaccessibility<br>
native:polygonfromlayerextent -> Extract layer extent<br>
native:polygonize -> Polygonize<br>
native:polygonstolines -> Polygons to lines<br>
native:postgisexecutesql -> PostgreSQL execute SQL<br>
native:printlayoutmapextenttolayer -> Print layout map extent to layer<br>
native:printlayouttoimage -> Export print layout as image<br>
native:printlayouttopdf -> Export print layout as PDF<br>
native:projectpointcartesian -> Project points (Cartesian)<br>
native:promotetomulti -> Promote to multipart<br>
native:raiseexception -> Raise exception<br>
native:raisewarning -> Raise warning<br>
native:randomextract -> Random extract<br>
native:randompointsinextent -> Random points in extent<br>
native:randompointsinpolygons -> Random points in polygons<br>
native:randompointsonlines -> Random points on lines<br>
native:rasterbooleanand -> Raster boolean AND<br>
native:rasterize -> Convert map to raster<br>
native:rasterlayerstatistics -> Raster layer statistics<br>
native:rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport -> Raster layer unique values report<br>
native:rasterlayerzonalstats -> Raster layer zonal statistics<br>
native:rasterlogicalor -> Raster boolean OR<br>
native:rastersampling -> Sample raster values<br>
native:rastersurfacevolume -> Raster surface volume<br>
native:reclassifybylayer -> Reclassify by layer<br>
native:reclassifybytable -> Reclassify by table<br>
native:rectanglesovalsdiamonds -> Rectangles, ovals, diamonds<br>
native:refactorfields -> Refactor fields<br>
native:removeduplicatesbyattribute -> Delete duplicates by attribute<br>
native:removeduplicatevertices -> Remove duplicate vertices<br>
native:removenullgeometries -> Remove null geometries<br>
native:renamelayer -> Rename layer<br>
native:renametablefield -> Rename field<br>
native:repairshapefile -> Repair Shapefile<br>
native:reprojectlayer -> Reproject layer<br>
native:rescaleraster -> Rescale raster<br>
native:reverselinedirection -> Reverse line direction<br>
native:rotatefeatures -> Rotate<br>
native:roundrastervalues -> Round raster<br>
native:ruggednessindex -> Ruggedness index<br>
native:savefeatures -> Save vector features to file<br>
native:savelog -> Save log to file<br>
native:saveselectedfeatures -> Extract selected features<br>
native:segmentizebymaxangle -> Segmentize by maximum angle<br>
native:segmentizebymaxdistance -> Segmentize by maximum distance<br>
native:selectbylocation -> Select by location<br>
native:serviceareafromlayer -> Service area (from layer)<br>
native:serviceareafrompoint -> Service area (from point)<br>
native:setlayerencoding -> Set layer encoding<br>
native:setlayerstyle -> Set layer style<br>
native:setmfromraster -> Set M value from raster<br>
native:setmvalue -> Set M value<br>
native:setprojectvariable -> Set project variable<br>
native:setzfromraster -> Drape (set Z value from raster)<br>
native:setzvalue -> Set Z value<br>
native:shortestpathlayertopoint -> Shortest path (layer to point)<br>
native:shortestpathpointtolayer -> Shortest path (point to layer)<br>
native:shortestpathpointtopoint -> Shortest path (point to point)<br>
native:shpencodinginfo -> Extract Shapefile encoding<br>
native:simplifygeometries -> Simplify<br>
native:singlesidedbuffer -> Single sided buffer<br>
native:slope -> Slope<br>
native:smoothgeometry -> Smooth<br>
native:snapgeometries -> Snap geometries to layer<br>
native:snappointstogrid -> Snap points to grid<br>
native:spatialiteexecutesql -> SpatiaLite execute SQL<br>
native:spatialiteexecutesqlregistered -> SpatiaLite execute SQL <br>
(registered DB)<br>
native:splitfeaturesbycharacter -> Split features by character<br>
native:splitlinesbylength -> Split lines by maximum length<br>
native:splitvectorlayer -> Split vector layer<br>
native:splitwithlines -> Split with lines<br>
native:stringconcatenation -> String concatenation<br>
native:stylefromproject -> Create style database from project<br>
native:subdivide -> Subdivide<br>
native:sumlinelengths -> Sum line lengths<br>
native:swapxy -> Swap X and Y coordinates<br>
native:symmetricaldifference -> Symmetrical difference<br>
native:taperedbuffer -> Tapered buffers<br>
native:tinmeshcreation -> TIN Mesh Creation<br>
native:transect -> Transect<br>
native:translategeometry -> Translate<br>
native:truncatetable -> Truncate table<br>
native:union -> Union<br>
native:wedgebuffers -> Create wedge buffers<br>
native:writevectortiles_mbtiles -> Write Vector Tiles (MBTiles)<br>
native:writevectortiles_xyz -> Write Vector Tiles (XYZ)<br>
native:zonalhistogram -> Zonal histogram<br>
native:zonalstatistics -> Zonal statistics<br>
native:zonalstatisticsfb -> Zonal statistics<br>
QGIS-Developer mailing list<br>
<a href="mailto:QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org</a><br>
List info: <a href="https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer" rel="noreferrer noreferrer" target="_blank">https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer</a><br>
Unsubscribe: <a href="https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer" rel="noreferrer noreferrer" target="_blank">https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer</a><br>