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<p>A polygon layer saved in a project file with QGIS 3.28 is systematically opened in blue in QGIS 3.16 (the style is lost).</p>
<p>There has been a change in the storage of style in project files introduced in QGIS 3.22.</p>
<p>QGIS 3.22 save the style in both formats (<Option.../></p>
<p>and <prop k=.../></p>
<p>(see the attachment)</p>
<p>This is no longer the case in QGIS 3.28</p>
<p>We have a heterogeneous QGIS version park. The non backward compatibility of style is an important brake to migrate progressively our services to QGIS 3.28</p>
<p>We could consider developing or having developed a plugin to ensure this backward compatibility.<br />Is this possible? What would be the best way to proceed? Can we find documentation on the storage of styles in QGIS project files and on its evolution?<br />(I didn't find anything relevant by searching on the internet).</p>
<div>-- <br />
<p><strong>Alain FERRATON</strong></p>
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<div style="font-size: 9pt;"><span style="font-size: 8pt;">Adjoint au chef de groupe<br />MSP/DS/GSG<br />Direction du numérique | Secrétariat général</span></div>
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