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<p>Hi devs,</p>
<p> <br>
I'm trying to maintain a QGIS project <br>
I am hit by some issues that I was already aware of, but this time
it is way more painful than I faced before. <br>
In short, with the growing qgis features, but also datasets
becoming larger (more columns) too, QGIS projects are becoming
heavier and heavier, and require a lot of effort to maintain when
trying to ship them as part of applications or with datasets. <br>
My dataset has around a dozen of tables, and one has a lot of
columns, around 200 columns. I know this is an not optimal data
normalization to have so many columns. But as datascience grows,
shipping gpkg or geoParquet files with lots of columns tends to be
more frequent.<br>
My main layer has 6 styles and each style has the same form
definition to make it easy to read those attributes, and offer
some 1-n relation nested forms (buildings and postal addresses). <br>
## First issue, forms are considered as being a part of each
style. </p>
<p>This make the qgs xml replicate 6 times the same form, in my
case. It makes it very hard to maintain a single source of truth
for this form also. The idea of having on form per style could be
elegant, but it is a path full of caveats and I suspect very few
of us are using this as a feature. <br>
## Second issue, verbosity of the xml </p>
<p>The properties of those forms have grown in time, with many new
features (default values, data defined fonts etc.. ). This is
cool. </p>
<p>However in average day use, most of those settings are left as
default values, still QGIS will write every property for each
column in the xml. Ex: default value, hidden status, LabelonTop,
etc. This is highly denormalized and verbose, mostly for unset
properties. It is so much denormalized that a simple QGIS xml can
weight 18MB and be zipped down to 977 KB. <br>
## So I would like to open a debate here about how to handle this.
As for the form being replicated in each style, I would propose to
plan moving form definition up in the layer definition, not in
style definition. This will probably imply an API break and
retrocompatibility issues, so my best guess is that the only time
frame to make it happen is QGIS 4. <br>
Regarding the xml verbosity, suppose we probably could find
<p> <br>
- don't write properties that are left untouched or default
(which may lead to strange behavior when defaults change)<br>
- don't repeat unuseful informations. ie, layer tree block
repeats provider and datasource even if it is not used. Confusion
appears from time to time when user try to save or modify the xml
file because of this<br>
- find a less verbose xml serialization if QT allows this. For
instance, instead of on xml block per property, why not have on
block per field. For instance : <br>
[here dozen of fields]<br>
<field editable="1"
[here dozen of fields, again]<br>
<field labelOnTop="0"
could be <br>
<field name="adedpe202006_l_ch_gen_princ"
labelOnTop="0" editable="1" ></field><br>
To be fair, I have no funding at the moment, but I can try to make
it happen, if we reach a technical consensus here. Any cofunding
or grant proposal would obviously help here. I'm pretty sure
companies editing desktop apps using QGIS could find an interest
here. This thread will probably raise the question of a new
generation project file, but that is not my intent ;) <br>
<p>Let me know what you think <br>
<p>Régis <br>
<p>[0] qgs available in those open data sets here with a GPKG
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://open-data.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/bdnb_millesime_2023-01-a/millesime_2023-01-a_dep19/open_data_millesime_2023-01-a_dep19_gpkg.zip">https://open-data.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/bdnb_millesime_2023-01-a/millesime_2023-01-a_dep19/open_data_millesime_2023-01-a_dep19_gpkg.zip</a><br>
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