<div dir="ltr"><div>Ci riprovo. Non riesco a lanciare i comandi Grass da Qgis.<br></div><div>Ho disinstallato Qgis 2.18.2, pulito con Ccleaner, eliminato i file di qgis in giro e reinstallato da locale qgis 2.14.<br>Stesso errore. Provo a cambiare la directory, come da figura, ma stesso risultato<br><br><a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5-BqO-DssYLejZvMW9BVGxHdGM">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5-BqO-DssYLejZvMW9BVGxHdGM</a><br><br></div><div>Lavoro aihmè, su win10, ma non dipende da me!!!.<br></div><div>Cosa devo fare???<br></div><div>Grazie<br></div><div>Federico<br></div><div><br></div><div><br><br><br><br>Sulla lista Qgis-user ho trovato queste risposte<br><br>"This also started happening to me after upgrading to 2.18.2.<br>If
you open QGIS in the command line, then try to run a GRASS tool from
Processing, you will probably see a message saying that it couldn't find
grass70.<br><br>Because you're using ubuntugis-unstable, you probably have GRASS 7.2, so this should be the reason fro the error.<br><br>Switching from ubuntugis-unstable to ubuntugis-stable, which has GRASS 7.0, did the trick for me.<br><br>Not sure if there is another way to fix this while using ubuntugis-unstable / GRASS 7.2, without compiling QGIS from source.<br><br>Any ideas ?"<br><br>"More on the same:<br>
After the recent GRASS update, the GRASS modules in Processing
Toolbox no longer worked, giving the error "cannot find grass". My
work around is to set a softlink:<br>
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/grass72 /usr/bin/grass70<br>
Then the GRASS modules work.<br>
There used to be a Processing configuration option to set the path
for different modules. But that seems to be gone now?? So is
Processing checking for the GRASS startup script hardcoded to
/usr/bin/grass70? How can I change that?"</div></div>