[Qgis-psc] Next Meeting?

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Mon Feb 16 02:01:16 PST 2009

Hi all

I'm pretty flexible this week (my family is in vacation), so any date is fine 
for me with the exceptions of Tuesday and Friday evenings.

There are a lot of interesting issues. If we cannot cover everything at the 
meeting we could also consider to discuss some things at the hackfest, e.g. '- 
Coding - direction for plugins & python'.


Am Freitag 13 Februar 2009 06:47:57 schrieb Tim Sutton:
> Hi Folks
> I'm thinking it would be good to hold another meeting soon. There are lots
> of things to chat about and its nice to keep each other up to speed. Here
> is a proposed preliminary agenda:
> - Finance - paypal etc support status
> - Finance - funding drive for hackfest
> - Releases - 1.1 plan & feature list
> - Releases - 1.0.1 maint release
> - Docs - status of userguide
> - Coding - direction for plugins & python
> - Coding - labelling & branch merge status
> - General - hackfest plans and arrangements
> I was thinking that we should also as a matter of practice set the date for
> the next meeting as the last agenda item in each meeting so that we dont
> slip back into never-meeting mode...
> BTW I can probably meet today (internet connection permitting) if others
> are available.
> Regards,

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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