[Qgis-psc] Motion: move to GIT and Redmine

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Apr 8 00:36:31 PDT 2011

Il giorno gio, 07/04/2011 alle 22.27 +0200, Marco Hugentobler ha
> Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on bugfixing and 1.7 release for now and 
> do a migration after 1.7 is out? I'm just concerned that too many new things 
> at once could create unforeseen problems.

Hi all.
I agree that releasing 1.7 after polishing is a major objective, and we
can postpone migration to immediately after release. However, I think we
should profit from the HF to discuss in detail our roadmap as for our
internet infrastructure, for core, plugins and more.
All the best.

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