[Qgis-psc] QGIS trademark: moving forward

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Jan 22 23:31:33 PST 2014

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Hi Paolo,

Yes I received your email regarding legal entity/trademark.

I can work on it - but you have to be patient. I will be away at the
beginning of february and will work on it when I am back in the second
half of february. We have two lawyers at my workplace and I will ask
them what they think will be the best form of legal entity in our case.

QGIS survived without the legal entity for many years - so I think we
should not rush now and take the time it needs to do it properly.

One goal would be to have things ready by the Vienna hackfest in the
middle of March.

One thing that we will have to produce for the legal entity -
regardless of the form - is the charter or the statutes. Both the
"Verein" (Association) or the "Genossenschaft" (cooperative) need
them. Do you already have something we can build on or some ideas? The
charter will have to define how the board looks like (e.g. the current
PSC), what the modalities are regarding re-election of the board, who
are the members, if there will be a membership fee, how decisions are
made. How often there are meetings - at least once a year is
necessary, etc. etc.


Am 23.01.2014 08:21, schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
> Hi Andreas, did you receive this? Could you please let me know, so
> I can move forward, along this or another route? Thanks.
> Il 14/01/2014 12:34, Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:
>> * we need a legal entity to register (a firm, and individual,
>> etc.); it is easy to donate the trademark afterwards, so anybody
>> can register it now, and hand it over to a QGIS legal entity
>> afterwards; however, IMHO it would be more natural to first have 
>> a QGIS foundation, then register the trademark on its name;
>> Switzerland seems to have a number of advantages for this, so I'd
>> suggest to see (thanks Andreas) what a CH foundation registration
>> implies, and move to another country only if this proves too 
>> difficult or expensive
> Hi Andreas, would you be willing to help with this? I think we have
> all we need to move fast. Thanks in advance.

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