[Qgis-psc] Proposal that QGIS.ORG will become a member of the OpenDesign Alliance

Nathan Woodrow madmanwoo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 02:45:38 PST 2015

Maybe I'm on the wrong side of the fence but personally I don't really care
about the licence so much.  We already deal with this issue with ECW, etc
and most people don't care, the core QGIS code is GPL and nothing is
changing that.  If we were pulling out the rendering engine behind
something closed, sure then I would have a issue but that is not what is
happening. It would be a optional complied in component so not forced on
anyone, simply add the "No I would like to stay pure GPL" in the installer
and not install that part of the code.

However what I do have concerns with overall is the cost.  That is a lot of
money to come out each year.  I understand things cost money, but the cost
vs benefit has to be there for users if we need to continue to ask for
money on something like this.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Vincent Picavet (ml) <
vincent.ml at oslandia.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 16/12/2015 11:03, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 10:58:31AM +0100, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> >> Hi Vincent,
> >>
> >> We are aware that you cannot mix/link QGIS/OGR/Teigha. For that
> >> reason Jürgen proposed to write a separate application published
> >> under a non-GPL based license (kind of a local server) that provides
> >> the CAD data. QGIS would not link to Teigha directly, but this other
> >> application would. QGIS would then connect to this service to get
> >> access to the CAD data.
> >>
> >> This should work - otherwise you wouldn't be allowed to connect to
> >> OWS services that are not provided by a GPL-based OWS server
> >> software - which as far as I know is no problem.
> Yes it works, no problem doing this as far as the licence is concerned.
> You can have a network-based communication between processes, or
> file-based communication, both do not trigger the share-alike clause of
> the GPL.
> > I think the main point in Vincet mail is about being perfectly
> > legit to distribute binary QGIS versions linked against  LibreDWG
> > as it'd make a GPL3 bundle.
> Yes
> The other point was to respond to Nathan about using Teigha in QGIS
> through OGR, which is not an option licence-wise.
> Vincent
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