[Qgis-psc] Fwd: Funding for proj6 related fixes/followups?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Dec 11 13:48:03 PST 2019


I am forwarding a request for additional 3-4 days of funding for proj6 
related issues and fixes from Nyall. We still have funding available, so 
I would recommend to support this work.

Feedback from PSC?


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Funding for proj6 related fixes/followups?
Datum: 	Thu, 12 Dec 2019 10:18:50 +1300
Von: 	Nyall Dawson <nyall at north-road.com>
An: 	Andreas Neumann <andreas at qgis.org>

Hi Andreas,

I'm not sure what the situation is with the remaining qgis.org surplus
for the year, but if there's still money to be spent I think there's
need for 3-4 days doing follow up work and bug fixes around projection
and datum transform handling with the QGIS + proj 6 combination.

The high-priority tasks as I see them are:
- triage outstanding bug reports between qgis, gdal and proj, and
identify the underlying issue and responsible library, and coordinate
fixes (or fix directly in qgis!)
- allow users to define custom projections using a wkt string instead
of just proj strings. Proj string definitions of crs are highly
discouraged in the proj 6+ world, as these are lossly and cannot fully
encapsulate a CRS. We need a way for users to define custom
projections using wkt strings, and for the QGIS UI to push them
towards this (but still allow proj strings if needed)
- expose the choice of datum transform/coordinate operation used
inside the Processing vector transform algorithm, allowing users to
explicitly select which transform pathway they want to use for that
particular transformation (and allow user created models to also
expose this option to users when desired)

Keen to hear your thoughts!

North Road
Cartography • Development • Spatial Analysis
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