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<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>I collected the feedback about my inquiries regarding developers interested in participating in our paid bug fixing program. You can see the available devs here at <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cdh-6eAmVCdiZIQGMhu_Aqgg09tpxsC40BGXQJtYc54/edit#gid=244988862">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cdh-6eAmVCdiZIQGMhu_Aqgg09tpxsC40BGXQJtYc54/edit#gid=244988862</a> --> see tab "QGIS 2.16"</p>
<p>Also, I asked Even Rouault if he would be available - he would, for 3 days this time. Could you please approve him on the tab "Developer Roll", if you agree. He did not participate yet in the past - so we should approve him.</p>
<p>This totals to 26 available dev days (=26*8hours = 20'8k €). For perspective: we have 40k € in the bank account, and 12k € confirmed to arrive during the next 2-3 weeks. So 52k € available currently. I personally think we can afford the 26 dev days, there will still be plenty for other projects. There is also a quite low demand for travel reimbursements at the dev meeting - so we won't have to use all of the planned funds for the Girona meeting.</p>
<p>So can you please voice your opinion on the total dev days first? Then once we have agreed on that we can approve the proposed devs as usual.</p>
<p>Even also asked about recommendations or rules regarding the bug fixing process - which bugs to pick, how to deal with blockers, bugs that are hard to reproduce, whether one should create tests, etc. - I propose we discuss this in Girona. In the past we did not have any rules - maybe we should collect some recommendations. We could also discuss Martins comment at the same time - about putting more resources into the bug queue management.</p>
<p>Thanks,<br />Andreas</p>
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