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<p>Hi Nathan,</p>
<p>Thanks for your reply and the pointer to the discussion. I wasn't sure about it.</p>
<p>So as long as the GPL and NON-GPL software doesn't link each others libraries, it should be fine to bundle the two in one single installer?</p>
<p>I'll wait for other comments before I reply with a definite answer.</p>
<p>On 2017-01-09 10:36, Nathan Woodrow wrote:</p>
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<p dir="ltr">Hey,</p>
<p dir="ltr">This is fine. There is nothing wrong with making your own installer that bundles other software together with QGiS. QGIS is still GPL that doesn't change but creating your own installer is your own work.</p>
<p dir="ltr">I don't think we should consider installers etc derived work. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Nathan.</p>
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<div dir="ltr">On Mon, 9 Jan 2017 7:30 pm Neumann, Andreas <<a href="mailto:a.neumann@carto.net">a.neumann@carto.net</a>> wrote:</div>
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<p class="gmail_msg">Hi,</p>
<p class="gmail_msg">One of our recent QGIS bronze sponsors (<a class="gmail_msg" href="http://www.geos-hellinge.de/">http://www.geos-hellinge.de/</a>) asks me if he is allowed to bundle the QGIS installer with his own proprietary geodetic software, to allow a good integration of the two systems.</p>
<p class="gmail_msg">I said that most likely, that this is not possible, but that I will ask the QGIS PSC.</p>
<p class="gmail_msg">Am I right, that a combined installer of GPL with proprietary software is not possible? But if he provides something like a batch file that first installs the proprietary software and then runs QGIS 2.14 LTR as a separate independent installer, this may be allowed - is this correct?</p>
<p class="gmail_msg">Here is the original question in german language: "Ich habe noch eine Frage zur Installation von QGIS: Ich würde gerne eine QGIS-Installation zusammen mit unserem vermessungstechnischen Programmsystem KAVDI in einem Setup für unsere Kunden bereitstellen. Das hätte den Vorteil, dass das Zusammenspiel zwischen KAVDI und QGIS "Out of the box" funktioniert.<br class="gmail_msg" /> Ist das lizenztechnisch erlaubt ?"</p>
<p class="gmail_msg">Thanks for a clarification,</p>
<p class="gmail_msg">Andreas</p>
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