<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br><br></div>We briefly started discussing the support of the QGIS server refactoring.<br><br></div>I
would now propose that we pay 3Liz (René-Luc D'Hont) the quoted 3k €
for the QGIS server enhancement (QgsWXSProjectParser). Refactoring work
and under-the-hood changes that don't add new features is exactly that
kind of work that should be funded from <a href="http://QGIS.ORG" target="_blank">QGIS.ORG</a> in my opinion.<br><br></div><div>Can
the PSC decide on this, or do we need to ask our voting members? Do we
start a Loomio voting? I would like a quick decision - time is ticking
for QGIS 3 and there is summer break ...<br><br>For your information, here is the financial situation of <a href="http://QGIS.ORG" target="_blank">QGIS.ORG</a>: <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18gwm83ENnIqNk0Hul-OlqggTHU4QeTqA-DvPmX8kK88/edit#gid=0" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/<wbr>spreadsheets/d/<wbr>18gwm83ENnIqNk0Hul-<wbr>OlqggTHU4QeTqA-DvPmX8kK88/<wbr>edit#gid=0</a> with our actual expenses and income.<br><br></div><div>I
expect an addition 15k of income during June (sponsorings, PayPal,
contributions to Essen HF from FOSSGIS e.V. and QGIS-DE). On the
expenses side I expect invoices for 2.18 bug fixing at around 15k. The
Essen HF is almost fully covered by payments from FOSSGIS e.V. and
QGIS-DE. So we are financially in a good shape to fund additional work
around QGIS server. <br></div><div><br></div>In addition, we should ask
QGIS server devs (3Liz, Oslandia, Camptocamp, Sourcepole) what other
server work is pending to get it in a good state.<br><br></div>Thank you for your thoughts and discussion.<div class="gmail-yj6qo gmail-ajU"><div id="gmail-:1hi" class="gmail-ajR" tabindex="0"><img class="gmail-ajT" src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif"><br></div><div id="gmail-:1hi" class="gmail-ajR" tabindex="0">Andreas<br></div></div><br><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div>--<br>Andreas Neumann<br></div><a href="http://QGIS.ORG" target="_blank">QGIS.ORG</a> board member (treasurer)<br></div></div>