[qgis-qwc2] Feature info

Karl Magnus Jönsson Karl-Magnus.Jonsson at kristianstad.se
Thu Jun 1 04:13:03 PDT 2017

Just to clarify: The client have to use the information in the GetProjectSetting request. Is it a future enhancement or am I  missing something?

>From the GetProjectSetting request:
<Layer displayField="Namn" geometryType="WKBMultiPolygon" queryable="1" visible="1">
    <Attribute typeName="text" precision="-1" length="-1" editType="TextEdit" alias="Namn" type="QString" comment="" name="namn"/>
    <Attribute typeName="int4" precision="0" length="-1" editType="TextEdit" alias="Gällande" type="int" comment="" name="gallande"/>
    <Attribute typeName="text" precision="-1" length="-1" editType="TextEdit" alias="Länk" type="QString" comment="" name="url"/>
    <Attribute typeName="text" precision="-1" length="-1" editType="WebView" alias="Teckenförklaring" type="QString" comment="" name="legend2"/>

Från: qgis-qwc2 [mailto:qgis-qwc2-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] För Karl Magnus Jönsson
Skickat: den 1 juni 2017 12:14
Till: qgis-qwc2 at lists.osgeo.org
Ämne: [qgis-qwc2] Feature info

Hi all!
Has there been discussions about customizing and configuring the feature info? Suppose I don't run the latest code on client and server side right now. Maybe there have been some development made. But as it looks for me now there is room for enhancements :).

·         Title instead of layername

·         Map tip text instead of Feature id to recognize each record

·         Show image if defined in edit widgets.

·         Links clickable. (Can only right click and open link in new tab)

If some of these is solved in later versions I have to upgrade. Otherwise I'll write some issuses and find out how to solve this.

[cid:image001.png at 01D2DAD7.45CA37F0]
<Layer name="skno_ok_kommuner"/>
<Layer name="ytalger_fop">
  <Feature id="15">
   <Attribute value="Åhus" name="Namn"/>
   <Attribute value="" name="Gällande"/>
   <Attribute value="https://www.kristianstad.se/contentassets/50c892f81d624857932fa8e9cf274ecf/s-86-138-kap-3-4.pdf#page=27" name="Länk"/>
   <Attribute value="http://ikarta.kristianstad.se/img/legend/skno/fop_ahus.PNG" name="Teckenförklaring"/>
   <BoundingBox maxx="1596757.37137621" minx="1585638.64651044" maxy="7549578.17684699" miny="7538467.09910338" SRS="EPSG:3857"/>
   <Attribute value="MultiPolygon (((1596757.17929472 7549435.73289262, 1585756.64749203 7549578.17684697, 1585732.94086518 7538592.31382718, 1596576.57899165 7538467.67440806, 1596757.17929472 7549435.73289262)))" type="derived" name="geometry"/>

Karl-Magnus Jönsson | Gis-Utvecklare
Geografisk information
Miljö- och samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningen
Kristianstads kommun
Besöksadress: Västra Storgatan 12
Postadress: 291 80 Kristianstad
Telefon: 044-135416 | Mobil: 0733-135416
karl-magnus.jonsson at kristianstad.se

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