<div dir="ltr"><pre class="gmail-tw-data-text gmail-tw-text-large gmail-tw-ta" id="gmail-tw-target-text" dir="ltr" style="unicode-bidi:isolate;font-size:28px;line-height:36px;background-color:rgb(248,249,250);border:none;padding:2px 0.14em 2px 0px;font-family:inherit;overflow:hidden;width:270px;color:rgb(32,33,36)"><span class="gmail-Y2IQFc" lang="en">Hello, I am working with a topographic map stored in a postgres database, it has more than 100 layers and I am serving them with the QGISServer 3.28 service in Docker, both in QGIS and using QWC2 the responses take a long time and I have read about the tiled cache that can be configured in QgisServer, which I have not been able to configure correctly, I would like you to guide me on what to use because I have seen something about the use of mapproxy, for the creation of tiles but I cannot find a solution to this problem. Could you give me some links that deal with this solution?
Kind regards,