[Qgis-tr] doc-test

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 05:26:16 PDT 2020


After Richard's work (thanks!) I did some fiddling in the doctest2.

I have changed some existing rst files, and updated the corresponding po
source files. Because Richard had already fixed the keys for those
resources on .tx\conf, all worked well and transifex immediately picked the
new strings and mark them as untranslated. Completing the resource
translation on transifex resulted in an automated Pull Request to update
the file on GihHub (sweat!)

Then, I tried to create a brand new rst file and used shinx-intl to update
the conf file (which led to some resources duplication), but the new
resource was created and automatically picked by transifex. The
opposite workflow also worked for that resource. once translated to 100% it
created a PR with the translation.

This made me think that the problem with the non-matching will only happen
if start with already translated resources. Therefore, I am going to force
transifex to thinks that all PO files are new and let it do the work for
us. Fingers crossed!

BTW, Harrissou, it seems that transifex live is only available for paying
costumers :-(


Alexandre Neto

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 6:50 PM Richard 🌍 Duivenvoorde <richard at duif.net>

> (mail was initially setup to Harrissou and Alexandre, partners in crime,
> but I thought it would be better to share this with a greate audience
> hoping more people will learn from this):
> We did some further experiment with github/transifex integration.
> To be able to do some further testing, and not being witheld by shortage
> of qgis-repo permissions, I forked doc-test:
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/doc-test/
> and grant you both all rights in there...
> Then I created a 'new' qgistest organisation at github:
> https://www.transifex.com/qgistest/
> and also made you both maintainers.
> Then I created a new project by immidiatly going to github...
> Transifex pulled english AND did not succeed to pull nl and fr
> Maybe I should try again...
> Another way to start the project is to upload it first via sphinx-intl
> and THEN integrate with github...
> Ok... we tried that. It appears that with some fiddling we are able to
> make this work:
> https://www.transifex.com/qgistest/doctest2/dashboard/
> - first WITHOUT pushing anything to transifex, link the transifex
> project to the github repo/branch using the directory config.yaml
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/doc-test/tree/master/.tx
> - then using
> make gettext
> sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l en
> create a .tx/config file
> BUT!! all the 'keys' in that file will look like:
> [doctest2.docs--user_manual--auth_system--auth_workflows]
> and if you now try to push or pull, tx will complain it does not have
> that resource(-key).
> BUT (after the automatic github sync) the keys will look (looking at the
> urls like
> https://www.transifex.com/qgistest/doctest2/locale-en-lc-messages-docs-user-manual-auth-system-auth-workflows-po--master/
> you can edit the config file to refect those keys:
> [doctest2.locale-en-lc-messages-docs-user-manual-auth-system-auth-workflows-po--master]
> NOW you can both pull/push using tx AND transifex will automagically be
> updated when sources change, OR github will be updated when a resource
> is 100% translated (and optionally reviewed)..
> There are some drawbacks... as the config file (we have 300 files in our
> doc site) will have to be patched once, AND it will be harder to keep ip
> uptodate
> We can already make this work for 3.10, but maybe it is better to wait
> for 3.16 the next LTR ?
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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