[QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #1947: Ability to create vector scratch layer for editing purposes

Quantum GIS qgis at qgis.org
Thu Sep 24 00:52:16 EDT 2009

#1947: Ability to create vector scratch layer for editing purposes
   Reporter:  jpalmer                                    |              Owner:  nobody       
       Type:  enhancement                                |             Status:  new          
   Priority:  critical: causes crash or data corruption  |          Milestone:  Version 1.4.0
  Component:  Vectors                                    |            Version:  HEAD         
   Keywords:                                             |   Platform_version:               
   Platform:  Debian                                     |           Must_fix:  No           
Status_info:  0                                          |  
 I would like the ability to create a vector scratch layer for storing
 temporary features that are in the process of being edited.

 For example I have two layers. The first contain source polygon features,
 the second contains features that are derived (i.e. union/merged) and
 copied features from the first. The problem is that if you copy feature
 directly from the first to the second, selections for the merge become
 hard due to other features already in the second layer.

 A good solution would be to have a “temporary in memory” edit layer which
 you can copy the feature into, complete geometry operations in, and then
 copy to the final destination layer.

 Maybe exposing the memory provider in the new layer dialog is enough?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/1947>
Quantum GIS <http://qgis.org>
Quantum GIS is an Open Source GIS viewer/editor supporting OGR, PostGIS, and GRASS formats

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