R: R: [Qgis-user] raster support of JP2

marco.pasetti at alice.it marco.pasetti at alice.it
Wed Jun 18 01:25:22 PDT 2008


>Thanks for the excellent summary.

You're wellcome

>Will you be mentioning where to add 
>ecw support in your updated page?

No, because of the following reasons:

1. ECW is not binary redistributable, due to it's licence; because of that, I didn't spent time to compile that support and write an HowToGuide about it

2. Because of the aims and *rules* of my guides, I don't write HowToGuides about things I didn't personally perform and test.

3. I'm not sure about this point, but I suppose that the ECW support has to be built with VS, and thus the GDAL lib too (with ECW support); my guides currently don't explian how to build with VS, and I strongly suppose that build GDAL with MinGW enabling ECW support (with ECW libs built with VS) will not work.


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