[Qgis-user] Projection question

Mikhail Umorin Mikhail.Umorin at twdb.state.tx.us
Thu Apr 2 09:19:01 PDT 2009

Well, I did find out (by asking): the original .sid file (which I
converted to geotiff) did not contained any spatial/projection
information. No wonder!

Sorry for the trouble!


>>> On 3/31/09 at 8:25 PM, in message
<419243249.20090331202551 at gis-lab.info>,
Maxim Dubinin <sim at gis-lab.info> wrote:
> Privet Mikhail,
> Are you sure both shape and geoTIFF projections are assigned
> correctly? I mean is data really in the projection you says it is?
> -- 
> Maxim
> Вы писали 31 марта 2009 г., 20:08:01:
> MU> Hello —
> MU> I have a problem with rendering layers with different
projections. I
> MU> have an SHP file with "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83
> MU> and a geoTIFF file with "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
> MU> +no_defs". That's all the projection data from "Properties". They
> MU> exactly the same area but do not even overlap in QGIS. I also
> MU> that when geotiff file is rendered the distances that should be
> MU> degrees are shown as about 10 degrees (my project options are set
> MU> Decimal Degrees) . I suspect that there is some confusion with
> MU> meters/feet somewhere in the reprojection process. 
> MU> Is there any way to add "+units" option to the description of
> MU> layer's projection? Would this solve the problem?
> MU> Thank you for your time, 
> MU> Mikhail.
> MU> _______________________________________________
> MU> Qgis-user mailing list
> MU> Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org 
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