[Qgis-user] Bug in Load Style (Vector Properties/Symbology/Graduated symbol) ?

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 00:42:54 PDT 2009

I've made an style by modifying the
ranges and colors created by Graduated symbol/Equal interval and 7 
classes. Once I save it and reload it, I find 2 problems:
1. Mode is changed from Equal Interval to Quantiles
2. The Classification Field is reset to that one used for
making the style, which I think is wrong: you create an style
that afterwards want to use with the original and other variables.
Once you have created your style, the normal procedure is selecting
the field and the the style. If the field is automatically changed,
this could be not realized by the user, which could be confusing.

Should I visit the tickets page or is this considered correct?


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