[Qgis-user] colours in raster images in Qgis

M.E.Dodd M.E.Dodd at open.ac.uk
Thu Dec 3 03:36:29 PST 2009

Any suggestions as to how to operate the 'raster properties' dialogue to get reasonable colours from digital elevation model tiles?  They display fine as greyscale images, they are in the correct place, you can adjust min/max values and stretch contrast etc to get them looking ok but when it comes to changing to pseudocolour they just seem to go to two different colours with no gradation between or if you choose colourmap then the whole thing grinds to a halt and you have to restart qgis to get out of it (basically it crashes).
The images themselves have heights of the land but also a few very large or very small numbers to indicate missing or below sea level data.
If greyscale works but the colour ones don't then I presume this is a bug?  Think I raised this same issue a few months ago but not sure there was any workaround available.


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