[Qgis-user] serious problems with the editing tools on Windows (OSGeo4W and standalone)

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 01:54:01 PDT 2009

The few times I've used the editing tools in QGis it was on my Linux box.
Now I was testing it on Windows for a customer and I've found the following
problems, that I've reported with a ticket on the OSGeo4W and QGis tracs.

It happens both on Stable and Unstable QGis on OSGeo4W and standalone
distributions. The editing tools don't handle correctly mouse events
coordinates. In particular it seems that the editings don't grep the mouse
click coordinates after the first feature has been drawn. The coordinates
remain stuck to the ones of the last geometry.

   - If one tries to create a new point layer every added feature geometry
   collapse on the same position of the first one added.
   - With lines after the first line is addes the followings get snapped to
   the last vertex of the preceeding line.
   - etc.

Obviously this doesn't happen on my Linux Qgis version...

Can anybody reproduce this problem?
Trac tickets:

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