[Qgis-user] New snapshot of OpenStreetMap plugin

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 05:59:19 PDT 2009

Hi all,

for those interested in the QGIS-OSM integration, there's a good news:
today the qgis-mapper team is releasing a new snapshot for public

- download OSM data
- load and display .osm files
- identify nodes, ways and relations
- edit data: create, modify, delete objects
- upload changes to OSM server
- automatic pre-defined styles for OSM data

How does it look like:
(showing OSM data in center of Prague)

Currently there is virtually no documentation available for usage of
the plugin. This will be fixed in the following weeks.

We welcome any comments, suggestions or bug reports from you!

Hopefully at some point of time in future this work will be integrated
into QGIS codebase. Currently it's necessary to install provider

== Installation ==

Requirements: you need QGIS sources, at least v1.0.0, preferably SVN trunk.

1. download OSM provider:

2. unpack to source into src/providers/

3. modify src/providers/CMakeLists.txt - add "osm" to the list of subdirectories

4. recompile and install qgis

5. using plugin installer, fetch the "OpenStreetMap plugin" from my repository:

6. restart qgis and you're ready for street mapping!


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