[Qgis-user] Geoprocessing / Filtering help...

Matt B mattslists at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 21:26:02 PDT 2009

Hi QGIS users,
I'm working on a sediment distribution / river / delta project for my
studies and I've had a vague idea about automating some of the filtering to
see if I can speed things up a little.
Basically I've got a list of about 500 rivers, a fair proportion of which
empty into oceans I've gone a fair way in georeferencing these locations,
basically a vector / point location. What I'd like to do is sample one of
the various coastline vector data sets and generate a value for how much the
coastline around the river mouth extrudes from the coastline further away.
eg, something like the mississippi delta would have an extrusion ratio of 1
and a river that terminated on a beach would be 0.

So, where do I start? I can work out most things myself but some help in
asking the right questions would be appreciated. Is there something built
into QGIS that would enable me to write some algorithms to output some
shapefiles to run statistics to generate useful numbers as above on?

Thanks for any help.

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